MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON Thursday 9 January 2020



Location:     Beckwithshaw Village Hall


Present:         Councillors – Cllr D Spence, Cllr A Ellis, Cllr T Muirhead, Cllr M David and Cllr

S Lumley.



Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway.


                    4 Members of the public were present.


          Concern was raised about vermin in the village, Clerk to contact Harrogate Borough Council.



1.       Apologies:    Cllr Mrs J Ryder, Cllr J Gordon and Cllr Miss V Oldham.



2.       Declaration of Interest:    None.



3.       Exempt Information:       None.



4.       Minutes of the meetings held on 14 November 2019.


Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14 November 2019 was proposed by Cllr David, seconded by Cllr Ellis and signed by the Chairman.



5.       Matters arising not dealt with elsewhere:      Emergency Plan to be sent to Harrogate

Borough Council for distribution. A dry run to be arranged.


6.       Traffic and Highways:    

Cllr David and Ms Jo Parish to extract data from Flashing Traffic Sign.

A Data logger has been placed on Lady Lane near Watergate House, this is for one week to be followed by another location later.


The signage on the approach to Pot Bank from Beckwithshaw needs improving and the anti-skid surface needs replacing.


The clerk has used the revised instructions for opening the Parish Portal.

It still keeps sending error messages.





7.         Urgent Business:  


a) Grass Cutting                Cllrs Spence and Ellis to assess grass cutting

requirements and invite tenders.

b) Litter Pick                      To be held on Saturday 4 April 2020. Information

                                        etc on a Spring Newsletter.


c) Carbon Zero                  The Parish Council supports carbon issues (not

cycle lanes) and suggests an air quality monitor

to be placed near roundabout.


d) Training                          Free training session at HBC – Cllrs Spence and

                                         Ellis to attend with Clerk.


e) Footpath                        There has been no success contacting Community

                                         Payback, maybe contact the Army Foundation College.



8.       County Councillor’s Report:      The County Council’s Carbon footprint is being

investigated. Replacing the existing street lights with

LED lights is ongoing.

The Kex Gill realignment is still on schedule to go ahead

this year



9.       District Councillor’s Report:      Crescent Gardens has been sold.

                                                            More freedom for spending CIL.


10.     Planning Matters:           



19/04128/FUL                             Approved Subject to Conditions

Demolition of Conservatory, erection of single and 2 storey extensions at Ingle

Manor Moor Park (Mr & Mrs Murphy)


19/04364/FUL                             Approved Subject to Conditions

Erection of first floor, two and single storey extensions and conversion of garage/workshops to additional living accommodation at Reservoir House, Haverah Park (Mrs C McEwan)


19/04537/COU                            Approved Subject to Conditions

Change of use of agricultural store to ancillary residential accommodation at Shaw Green Lea, Shaw Lane (Mrs S Borthwick)


19/04538/COU                            Approved Subject to Conditions

Change of use of land to domestic curtilage at Braithwaite Barn Beckwith (Mr D Hayton)






19/04963/FUL and 19/04964/LB

Demolition of conservatory, single storey extension and outbuildings; erection of

1 first floor, 2 two storey extensions, conversion of garage to accommodation;

installation of terrace, 8 roof lights, 1 window, demolition and erection of partition

walls, formation and blocking of doors, installation of internal steps, widening of

internal door; reopening blocked windows, formation of internal doors

conversion of door to window, removal of garage doors and installation of windows

and doors; replacement and reconfiguration of garage windows and doors at Snell

House Farm, Otley Road (Mr R Fearnley)


The Parish Council has no objections




11.   LDF Update:             Decision delayed due to the General Election.



12.   Finance:                            

          The bank balances at 9 January 2020 were reported to the Parish Council:


                    Community Account                                                            7,609.25

                    Money Manager (Deposit Account)                                      1,434.22



                    Internet Banking has been set up.


                    Approval for Payments to be made via Internet Banking :-


                    Simon Crossley Landscapes Ltd                                  £132.00 and




                    Beckwithshaw Village Hall                                            £300.00


                    TWM Traffic Control Systems Ltd                               £4,182.30


                    J H Galloway – Salary                                                 £374.40


                    HMRC - Tax                                                                 £93.60


                              Approved by Cllr Ellis and Cllr Spence


                    Payments total £5,734.30, reducing the bank balance to £3,309.17


The Parish Precept request of £4,900.00 (Proposed by Cllr Ellis and seconded by Cllr David) was approved by all.


Clerk to reclaim VAT paid in 2017/18 and 2018/19.


Clerk received Ipad.



13.  Correspondence:     


i)       Newsletters and e-mails forwarded to councillors.



14.  Update on the Copse etc:   None.



15. Councillors Questions:        It was asked if it would be possible to install another flashing traffic sign at the Killinghall end of the Village. Space is restricted.

                                                  but maybe in the future.



16. Date & Time of next meetings:       Thursday 13 February 2020

                                                  and     Thursday 12 March 2020

                                                  and     Thursday 9 April 2020 – includes Open Meeting

                                                  and     Thursday 14 May 2020 – includes AGM





The meeting closed at 9.55pm



Please check the website for further information – www.beckwithshaw.org










Reclaim VAT



Broadband, continuous

Cllrs Spence and



Speed on Lady Lane, Data Loggers

Cllr David


Parish needs for Traffic Management

Cllrs Spence, Ellis,

David and Gordon


Vermin problem



Contact Highways



Extract data from Traffic sign

Cllr David and J Parish