MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON Thursday 14 November 2019



Location:     Beckwithshaw Village Hall


Present:         Councillors – Cllr D Spence, Cllr A Ellis, Cllr M David, Cllr J Gordon and Cllr Miss V



Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway.


                    3 Members of the public were present.



1.       Apologies:                       Cllr T Muirhead, Cllr Mrs J Ryder and Cllr S Lumley.



2.       Declaration of Interest:    None.



3.       Exempt Information:       None.



4.       Minutes of the meetings held on 12 September 2019.


Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12 September 2019 was proposed by Cllr David, seconded by Cllr Ellis and signed by the Chairman.



5.       Matters arising not dealt with elsewhere:      None.


6.       Traffic and Highways:    

It was proposed by Cllr David and seconded by Cllr Gordon that the solar

Powered VAS (Details as follows) be purchased.

          620mm Round Dimension £3,193.75 (Plus Vat)

          Data Collection and Retrieval Option £291.50 (Plus Vat)

          TOTAL         £3,485.25 (plus Vat – reclaimable)

Funded by - £2,500.00 grant from Knabs Ridge, £500.00 from budget and £485.25 from reserves.

All in favour.


Support pole has been installed by NYCC £500 (funded by a grant from Cllr Lumley).


Cllr Spence to contact Tony Sutcliffe re path clearance.


The clerk now has revised instructions on opening the Parish Portal.



7.         Urgent Business:  


a) Western Arc Group        Cllrs Spence, Ellis, David and Gordon to meet and

compose a ‘one sheeter’ on the Parish’s needs for traffic



b) Pollution                        Cllr Gordon to contact the school, HBC and NYCC about

                                        the pollution at the roundabout. Also to look into the

possibility of a sensor.


c) Litter Pick                      Held on Saturday 2 November 2019, a total of 9 bags

                                        of rubbish collected and a wire grid. Thank you to all who

                                        took part.

Rock salt owned by Parish Council removed

from Village Hall Hut.


d) Emergency Plan            Meeting to take place to finalise the Plan.            



8.       County Councillor’s Report:      None.



9.       District Councillor’s Report:      Stray repairs are under way. There will be no cycling

events centred on Harrogate next year.


10.     Planning Matters:           



19/03060/LB                     Approved Subject to Conditions

19/03059/FUL                   Approved Subject to Conditions

Demolition of Lean-to structure and erection of greenhouse, fencing and gates at

The Manor House, Lady Lane (Mr Mark Hunt)




19/04174/PBR                  NOW WITHDRAWN

Prior Notification for the conversion of agricultural buildings to create 3 dwelling

Houses at Central House Farm,(Mr J Ryder)



Demolition of Conservatory. Erection of single storey and 2 two storey extensions,

erection of entrance porch and detached garage with studio over. Alterations to

roof pitch and fenestration at Ingle Manor, Moor Park, Beckwithshaw (Mr & Mrs


                    The Parish Council has no objections.



Change of use of agricultural store to ancillary residential (C3) at Shaw Green Lea,

Shaw Lane, Beckwithshaw (Mrs S Borthwick)


The Parish Council has no objections.


Erection of first floor, two an single storey extensions and conversion of

workshop/garage to form additional living accommodation (Revised Scheme) at

Reservoir House, Haverah Park (Mrs C McEwan)


                    The Parish Council has no objections.



Change of use of land to domestic curtilage at Braithwaite Barn, Beckwith Lodge

Farm (Mr D Hayton)


                    The Parish Council has no objections.



Request for an Environmental Impact Assessment for Windmill Farm, Beckwithshaw



11.   LDF Update:             Waiting for plan to be agreed by the Inspector.


                    Statement dated October from HBC:-




What progress has been made on the Local Plan?

In January and February a series of hearing sessions were held by the Inspector examining the Council’s Local Plan. Following the close of the hearing sessions, we have been preparing a series of modifications to the plan.  The proposed modifications are designed to address issues raised through the examination in order to ensure that the Local Plan is sound.  We recently ran a consultation on these modifications that closed on 20 September.


What happens next?

All of the comments received in response to the proposed modifications will be sent to the Inspector who is examining the Plan.  He will take these in to consideration before he produces his final report.  We anticipate receiving his report later this year following which, if he concludes that the Plan is sound, the Council will then adopt the Plan.


What weight can we attach to the Local Plan when making decisions on planning applications?

Planning applications should be determined in accordance with the Local Plan unless there are other material considerations that indicate otherwise. 


Only once the Plan is adopted can we give it full weight in making those decisions.  However, national planning policy advises that increased weight can be given to emerging local plan policy as it progresses towards adoption.  We are now at an advanced stage of plan preparation which means that whilst we cannot give the Local Plan full weight we can give it significant weight in decision making. 


What does this mean for determining applications?

Until recently we have found it difficult to refuse applications unless we could demonstrate that the harm was ‘significant and demonstrable’.  This was as a result of not having an up to date plan.  This meant that in weighing up the balance of impacts greater weight was given to the importance of delivery new homes when compared with any harm caused by the scheme. 


In light of the significant weight that we can now give to the emerging local plan, alongside our now healthy land supply position, this means that the weight to be given to the importance of delivering new homes is lessened when compared to harm caused.  This is because we now have an emerging plan that sets out allocations and development limits that allows us to deliver the amount of new homes that are needed within our district.  Therefore proposals on other sites outside of development limits are unlikely to be viewed favourably.   



12.   Finance:                            

          The bank balances at 14 November 2019 were reported to the Parish Council:


                    Community Account                                                            7,609.25

                    Money Manager (Deposit Account)                                      1,433.74



                    Includes 2nd half of Precept £2,150.00

                    Includes Knabs Ridge Grant £2,500.00


                    Internet Banking request to be chased up at bank.


                    It was proposed by Cllr David, seconded by Cllr Ellis and agreed by all that the grant

of £300 received last year be used to purchase a tablet (with appropriate software

and accessories) to assist with minute taking etc.


13.  Correspondence:     


i)       Beckwithshaw Village Hall            Rock salt to be moved at Litter Pick.

ii)     Julian Smith MP                          Surgery Dates

iii)    HBC                                           Precept Request

iv)   Washburn Parish Council             Request for information re grass cutting etc

v)     HBC                                           Parish Consultation Meeting 22 January 2020

vi)   Newsletters and e-mails forwarded to councillors.



14.  Update on the Copse etc:   The crocus bulbs have been received and need planting.



15. Councillors Questions:        Concern about the continued use of heavy goods vehicles and buses using narrow rural roads.



16. Date & Time of next meetings:       Thursday 9 January 2020

                                                  and     Thursday 13 February 2020

                                                  and     Thursday 12 March 2020

                                                  and     Thursday 9 April 2020 – includes Open Meeting

                                                  and     Thursday 14 May 2020 – includes AGM





The meeting closed at 10.10pm



Please check the website for further information – www.beckwithshaw.org










Review Signage

Cllr Spence


Broadband, continuous

Cllrs Spence and



Speed on Lady Lane, Data Loggers

Cllr David


VAS to order




Cllr David