MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON Thursday 14 February 2019



Location:     Beckwithshaw Village Hall


Present:         Councillors – Cllr D Spence, Cllr A Ellis, Cllr T Muirhead, Cllr Mrs J Ryder, Cllr M David and Cllr S Lumley.


Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway.


                    2 Members of the public were present.


1.       Apologies:   Cllr Ms L Barovic and Cllr Miss V Oldham.


2.       Declaration of Interest:    None.


3.       Exempt Information:       None.


4.       Minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2019.


Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10 January 2019 was proposed by Cllr Ellis and seconded by Cllr Mrs Ryder.


5.       Matters arising not dealt with elsewhere:      In item 6 of the January minutes should read

“Any speed concerns should be reported to 95Alive online”.


6.       Traffic Working Party Report:    No Speedwatch operations this month.

Protocol about speed traffic signs to be issued by NYCC Highways in April. Several sites for the signs to be identified by Highways, signs to be classified as “temporary” and will need to be moved periodically.


7.         Urgent Business:  

                    a) Parish Consultation Meeting:   Cllrs Spence and Ellis to attend         


b) Emergency Plan:                     Ongoing


c) Newsletter:                              Include         Litter Pick end of April.

                                                                      Include Local Plan Comment


d) Parish Clerk                            Replacement Clerk required



8.       County Councillor’s Report:      2.9% increase in NYCC Budget. Council is working

towards better coverage for mobile phones. Good results being

received for the Counties Schools. Kex Gill is to be closed for

resurfacing, the new road target date is still 2020/21.



9.       District Councillor’s Report:      The Inspector will have finished his investigation into the

Local Plan by 22 February and will commence his deliberations.

Funding for events re the Tour de Yorkshire cycle race is available from

Harrogate Borough Council.


10.     Planning Matters:           



Outline planning application for the demolition of an agricultural structure: Construction

of a mixed use development for up to 480 residential dwellings, up to 1.92 hectares of land for employment purposes (Use Classes B1, B2 & B8), a local retail centre (A1-A5 & D1) and public open space, including allotments, children’s play areas and recreational routes, landscaping and a sustainable urban drainage system (Suds) with access considered at Lady Lane, Lund House Green (Gladman Ltd)


Prior Consultation              The Parish Council objects on the planning grounds as below:-


·       The number of housing sites currently granted approval on the Western boundary of Harrogate added to this proposal is unsustainable due to lack of capacity in the existing road infrastructure, non-existent public transport, and an already oversubscribed education provision. 

·       The visual impact of road improvements necessary to facilitate access by HGV’s and PSV’s (i.e. this application includes B2 and B8 employment provision which will require 8m wide carriageways with footpaths on each side) will lead to loss of hedgerows, trees and will have a detrimental effect on wildlife habitat and will completely change the existing rural nature of the landscape.

·       In the short term the existing agricultural use and stewardship of the land will fall into decline as the impact of Planning Blight takes hold leading to deterioration in the visual aspect of an existing well maintained area of open countryside.

·       There is no current justification to release this parcel of land for development. HBC currently have sufficient housing allocations for their ‘Five Year Plan’ and sites of this size should only be considered in conjunction with the Local Plan process. We are aware that currently identified sites provide over capacity in both housing and employment provision.

·       Consideration needs to be given to the holistic impact the additional traffic generated will have on surrounding villages and settlements i.e. Beckwithshaw, North Rigton, Pannal and Burn Bridge all of which are served by country lanes with weight restricted bridges and single line railway crossings. Developments currently under consideration on the Western boundary could add in the region of 18,000 vehicles per week to the 56,720 vehicles per week (data loggers 27/6/18 to 3/7/18) already using the B6161 (which passes through the middle of Beckwithshaw). The B6161 is considered  by many to be the Western relief road to Harrogate.

·       Market forces drive demand for private housing and social housing can only be provided if there are sufficient funds in the wider public purse.  In these times of economic uncertainty surely we do not need to grant planning applications until we can prove actual demand.


In conclusion this application should be refused until the above issues have been considered and mitigated and the outcome and recommendations of the current Inspectors’ report are known and have subjected to due diligence and ratified as being HBC’s validated Local Plan.  






Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Opinion for erection of up to 1,000 dwellings including landscaping, open space, parkland, highway improvements, 1 FE Primary School, community use (Shop, facility/hub) at Windmill Farm, Beckwithshaw (Anwyl Land Ltd)


The Parish Council objects on the planning grounds as below:-


·       The number of housing sites currently granted approval on the Western boundary of Harrogate added to this proposal is unsustainable due to lack of capacity in the existing road infrastructure, nonexistent public transport, and an already oversubscribed education provision. 

·       In the short term the existing agricultural use and stewardship of the land will fall into decline as the impact of Planning Blight takes hold leading to deterioration in the visual aspect of an existing well maintained area of open countryside.

·       There is no current justification to release this parcel of land for development. HBC currently have sufficient housing allocations for their ‘Five Year Plan’ and sites of this size should only be considered in conjunction with the Local Plan process. We are aware that currently identified sites provide over capacity in both housing and employment provision.

·       Consideration needs to be given to the holistic impact the additional traffic generated will have on surrounding villages and settlements i.e. Beckwithshaw, North Rigton, Pannal and Burn Bridge all of which are served by country lanes with weight restricted bridges and single line railway crossings. Developments currently under consideration on the Western boundary could add in the region of 18,000 vehicles per week to the 56,720 vehicles per week (data loggers 27/6/18 to 3/7/18) already using the B6161 (which passes through the middle of Beckwithshaw). The B6161 is considered  by many to be the Western relief road to Harrogate.

·       Market forces drive demand for private housing and social housing can only be provided if there are sufficient funds in the wider public purse.  In these times of economic uncertainty surely we do not need to grant planning applications until we can prove actual demand.


In conclusion this application should be refused until the above issues have been considered and mitigated and the outcome and recommendations of the current Inspectors’ report are known and have subjected to due diligence and ratified as being HBC’s validated Local Plan.  




11.   LDF Update:             Good representation by HAPARA was made at the Inspector’s



12.   Highways:      Large numbers of heavy goods vehicles have been passing along Shaw Lane, which has a weight limit. Need to find where they travelling to and from.

                              5 buses still parking on Beckwith Head Road, contact Harrogate Borough




13.  Finance:                             

a)       The bank balances at 14 February 2019 were reported to the Parish Council:


                    Community Account                                                            3,354.14

                    Money Manager (Deposit Account)                                      1,431.60


                    Approval required and Cheque signed for

                    Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council

Re Traffic Survey Contribution         £245.00     Approved and signed


14.  Correspondence:     


i)       HBC                       Community Infrastructure Levy.

ii)     Newsletters and e-mails forwarded to councillors.


15.  Update on the Copse:         Review specification for grass cutting next meeting.


16. Councillors Questions:        None.


17. Date & Time of next meetings:       Thursday 14 March 2019 at 7.45pm

                                                  and     Thursday 11 April 2019 at 7.45pm with Open Meeting

                                                  and     Thursday 9 May 2019 at 7.45pm with AGM  



The meeting closed at 9.50pm



Please check the website for further information – www.beckwithshaw.org












Review Signage

Cllr Spence


New funding re Broadband, continuous

Cllr Muirhead

Cllr Ellis


Knabbs Ridge funding



Emergency Plan Revision

Sub Committee meeting


Projector Sourcing

Cllrs Ellis, David

And Barovic