Location:     Village Hall, Beckwithshaw.


Present:      Councillors – Cllr M Nicholson, Cllr Mrs K Wilson, Cllr D Spence, , Cllr T Muirhead and Cllr S Lumley.

Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway

                    5 Members of the public were present.



1.       Apologies:             Cllr Miss V Oldham and Cllr Mrs J Ryder


2.       Declaration of Interest:    None.


3.       Exempt Information:       None.


4.       Minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2017:


Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14 November was proposed by Cllr Spence and seconded by Cllr Muirhead.


5.       Matters arising not dealt with elsewhere:  


                              Flashing speed signs may not be given permission by Highways. NYCC

                                        Policy is under review.


6.       Traffic Working Party Report:


To liaise with 95 Alive about obtaining average speeds. It was said that the Speed Watch is not to be a long term “fix”, so therefore more traffic management will be required.


7.         Urgent Business:   The defibrillator is now up and running and the Ambulance service

Has been notified. Andrew Ross as “Guardian” to be authorised to organise the purchase of replacement equipment (pads etc). This was proposed by Cllr Nicholson and seconded by Cllr Spence.



8.       County Councillor’s Report:      Kex Gill has been repaired. The new road still in

Progress with an end date within 3 years.

The County Councillors have a £5,000pa fund for community use.



9.       District Councillor’s Report:      None.





10.     Planning Matters:


                              i)        Decisions


          17/00094/OUTMAJ                     Approved Subject to Conditions

          Outline planning application for erection of office accommodation (use class B1a),

light industrial use (use class B1c) and storage distribution use (use class B8), nursing/care home (use class C2) and close care accommodation (Assisted living use class C2) and formation of car parking and landscaping with access considered at Beckwith Head Road (Beckwith Knowle Developments Ltd)


17/03084/FUL                             Approved Subject to Conditions

Erection of lambing shed and hay store at Haverah Park top, Watsons Lane (Mr O Horne)


17/04397/PNAFUL                      Approved Subject to Conditions

Erection of agricultural building at Oatlands House, Beckwithshaw (S Liddle & Son)


17/04899/FUL                             Approved Subject to Conditions

Conversion of existing outbuilding to granny annex at Low House Farm, Howhill Quarry Road (Mr & Mrs Connor)


17/04962/LB                               Approved Subject to Conditions

Listed building consent to replace existing timber frame windows with slim double glazed, timber framed windows and existing double glazed French doors with slim double glazed French doors at The Old Barn, Lady Lane (Dr Lisa O’Rouke)


                    ii)       Applications



Listed building consent to replace existing timber frame windows with slim double glazed, timber framed windows and existing double glazed French doors with slim double glazed French doors at The Old Barn, Lady Lane (Dr Lisa O’Rouke)


Prior Consultation – The Parish Council has no objections.

Also see Decisions above.



Change of use of Residential building to form a Mixed use residential dwelling (use class C3) and Childing Minding Service (use class D1) at Beckwith Lodge Farm, Beckwith Head (Mrs R J O’Neill)


Prior Consultation – The Parish Council does not object to or support the application but wishes to make comments or seek safeguards as set out below:-

The Parish Council has concerns that the location cannot support any additional activities and has great concerns about additional traffic using the single track road.



Retention of agricultural storage building at Beckwith Lodge Farm, Beckwith Head (Mrs R J O’Neill)


Prior Consultation - The Parish Council has no objections.


Erection of single storey extension at Bluecoat Wood Nurseries, Otley Road (Mr I Bradbury)


Prior Consultation - The Parish Council has no objections.




11.   LDF Update:   The Local District Plan has been approved by the Cabinet and Full Council. There is to be another consultation before the Plan goes to the Secretary of State.



12.   Highways:      There is to be a Highways meeting in the near future. (Revised date and venue to be confirmed).

                              Report serious and repeated concerns to Cllr Don MacKenzie, with copies to Cllr Lumley.

                              Collect list of missing signs and report to Borough Council (Street Name signs (copy to Cllr Oldham)) and NYCC (Village Name sign and direction signs (copy to Cllr Lumley))

                              Report unlit street lamp outside church to Borough Council (Copy to Cllr Oldham)


13.  Finance:                             

The bank balances at 9 January 2018 were reported to the Parish Council:


                    Community Account                                                            3,63893

                    Money Manager (Deposit Account)                                      1,429.58



Approval was given and payment made for:

                    Clerk’s Salary                    £343.20

                    Inland Revenue                   £85.80

                    Beckwithshaw Village Hall  £250.00


Terms of Engagement for Payroll Services with T P Jones & Co LLP checked and confirmed fixed fee of £60.00, agreement signed and returned.


The Parish Precept request of £3,500.00 (Proposed by Cllr Mrs Wilson and seconded by Cllr Muirhead) was approved by all.


Check Insurance for defibrillator.



14.  Correspondence:     


i)       HBC             Revised Waste and Recycling Collections. (Posted on Website)

ii)     HBC             Elector Roll December 2017

iii)    HBC             Commuted Sums

iv)   HBC             Removal of Recyling Bring Banks

v)     Newsletters and e-mails forwarded to councillors.



15.  Update on the Copse:          None.



16. Councillors Questions:        Litter Pick in Spring 2018

                                                  Review signage (also see item 12)



17. Date & Time of next meetings:       Tuesday 13 February 2018 at 7.45pm

and     Tuesday 13 March 2018 at 7.45pm

and     Tuesday 10 April 2018 at 7.45pm with Open Meeting

and     Tuesday 8 May 2018 at 7.45pm with the AGM.


The meeting closed at 9.05pm 


Please check the website for further information – www.beckwithshaw.org








Review Signage

Cllr Nicholson

Cllr Spence


Photos for website

Cllr Mrs Ryder

Cllr Clark


Check Insurance re defibrillator
