This has been a particularly difficult year for Parish Council meetings and activities. Assuming that Central Governments Road Map for ending lockdown is achieved we plan to recommence meetings and activities in accordance with recommended advice.


During the past year the Parish Council has successfully carried out the following activities:-


·       A grant was obtained from Knabbs Ridge Two Ridings Community Fund for the purchase of Bluetooth software to enable retrieval from the speed recognition sign. Several months’ data have been downloaded and the information stored and forwarded to N.Y.C.C. as possible evidence to support any future requests for traffic calming measures.


·       The grass area opposite the end of Shaw Green Lane and verge up to the Smiths Arms have been cut and maintained.


·       The pavement adjacent to the mini roundabout has been cleared of muddy deposits and over grown trees and bushes cut back. The footpath alongside the B6162 to Harrogate has also been cleared.


·       Traffic signs on the B6161 approach from Leathley and on the Norwood Lane approach have been upgraded.


·       N.Y.C.C. highways have undertaken repairs and improvements to Norwood lane and the main road through the Village has been repaired following repeated efforts from our Parish Clerk. 


·       Councillors are actively working with Open Reach in a concerted effort to improve Internet availability and signal strength to all Parishioners.


·       Councillors are actively working with the Western Arc group in support of efforts to ensure that the existing road infrastructure serving the proposed new developments will be improved to provide safe driving and walking conditions and hopefully mitigate the future impact of vehicle numbers passing through the Village.


·       We are working with the same group to influence the Parameters Plan currently being compiled by HBC for the Western Arc Developments. When completed this Plan will provide a blue print for the developments to be considered as a whole for the provision of Schools Play areas, surgeries, bus routes etc..


·       We have continued to review and comment on Planning Applications within the Parish.



Looking forward to this year the Parish Council are currently planning the following activities:-


·       As soon as possible recommence monthly meetings either live or on Zoom. There will strict

protocols applied to the meetings especially via Zoom to take into account the time restrictions

– Public questions will be dealt with within the first 15 minutes of the meeting. Any questions not

dealt with in that time span will be answered in writing by either the Chairman or the Parish



·       Date for the Parish (Open) Meeting – Via Zoom on Tuesday 13 April 2021 at 7.30pm

and the Annual Meeting – Via Zoom on Tuesday 11 May 2021 at 7.30pm

Both meetings to be followed by a Parish Council Meeting (Time allowing)

Questions from the Parish Electors must be submitted in writing to the Parish Clerk

48 hours prior to the meeting.


Members of the public wishing to join these meetings please contact the Parish Clerk for



·       Organising a Litter Pick, when Covid restrictions allow.


·       Inviting estimates and letting contracts for grass and verge maintenance.


·       Contacting the Community Pay Back Scheme to enquire if they are available to continue their work maintaining the copse.


·       Making applications to the Calor Gas and Knabbs Ridge funds to support Village projects.



The Parish Council thanks Mr Andy Ross for his service to the community for maintaining the Defibrillator and wish him and his family all the best in their new home. The Parish Council also thanks Mr Jon Bryant, who has stepped forward to take Andy’s place with this important role.



All Residents of the Parish are invited to join in with the activities of the Parish Council. Any resident wishing to receive agendas and minutes of meetings, and newsletters digitally please email the Parish Clerk with contact details.



Once we are able to organise live meetings, dates will be advised. Parishioners are invited to forward questions in advance of meetings to the Parish Clerk as mentioned above.


We look forward to meeting you all very soon.



Kind regards.


Derek Spence   Chairman


Parish Clerk, Mrs J H Galloway, 1 Moor Park Close, Beckwithshaw, Harrogate, HG3 1TR

Tel. 01423 536232