The Parish Council has decided to join and support the Western Arc of Harrogate Cooperation (WAHCG). WAHCG is a lobbying group established to serve the residents on the Western Boundary of Harrogate by making its voice heard by NYCC in respect both the Congestion Study and other traffic related issues and that HBC does not neglect local infrastructure investment.  The group is an association of Parish Councils and Residents associations.

WAHCG will primarily pursue the hard and/or green solutions proposed in the Congestion Study positioning paper. These solutions fall into two broad categories:

·        ‘Hard solutions/infrastructure investment i.e. road humps, road/bridge widening, junction improvements.

·        ‘Green solutions i.e. cycle lanes, improved public transport systems leading zero carbon emissions.

Benefits to our area are to increase the awareness of NYCC and HBC that traffic does not operate in isolation. The recent Congestion Study proposes little that would resolve Western Harrogate Traffic issues due to its primary focus being on the north, north east, and Harrogate centre. This coalition of groups working together on traffic/congestion issues and the anticipated increases arising from the largely car-dependent developments proposed within the Western Arc area we hope to have a greater influence on proposals that affect Beckwithshaw residents.


We have successfully negotiated a grant from The Knabs Ridge Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund 2019 supported by a further grant from County Councillor Stan Lumley to provide a solar powered VAS speed recognition sign. We are currently finalising our negotiations with the supplier. We have been advised by NYCC to locate the sign on the B6161 near the junction with Shaw Lane (This gives the capability of monitoring vehicles both entering and leaving the village on the routes to the west of the village.)


We have contacted the Community Pay back scheme who have cut back the summer growth and cleared weeds in the copse.  They have also cleared the overgrowth from the pavement adjacent to the copse. In the coming weeks and months we are hopeful that they will start clearing the overgrowth and muddy deposits from the pavement from the roundabout to the old vicarage and possibly beyond to the new Charles Church development. We are very grateful for this help. We have made many attempts to persuade NYCC to undertake the clearance of this footpath but are constantly told that the work ‘does not meet their criteria’.


We will be having our Autumn litter pick on Saturday 2nd of November meeting in the Village Hall car park for 10.00A.M. start and we look forward to seeing as many volunteers as possible to help complete the task. For more detail please contact the Parish clerk, details below.


Kind regards.


Derek Spence
